Calling all Science Blind Religious: _jpg880cec4d07ee35da81676540bf79e1c0 |
When you finish plugging your ears and
singing your invisible friends praises so loud that you can’t hear
anything remotely resembling facts, the Universe will still not care
about you, the Cosmos will still be too vast for you to grok, and
your unavoidable ending will still be imminent.
What will you do
with your incredibly short life? We Atheists think you should live
it as if God doesn’t exist, even if you insist on believing in Gods
and your religion’s promised “after-life”.
Now before you say “impossible” I
ask, just what do you think Atheists are doing with their incredibly
short lives?
We may not spend our Sunday mornings or
other days of the weeks in prayer or other religious gatherings but
we do socialize with other people, and work at jobs: pursue causes,
do hobbies, shake our heads over headlines, and we write music or do
other creative things for the joy these activities bring us. We have
friends and date nights, children and pets. We have to go to the
doctor and pay taxes just like everyone else. And we end up taking
the big dirt nap just like religious folks.
(And yes there are Atheists in
foxholes, risking their lives even though they have no expectation of
another life after death. (If anything, Atheists wonder why the
religious are hiding in the foxholes, since they must surely believe
God will protect them, right?))
We can get caught up in our daily lives
and forget to send a birthday card, we can get frustrated and angry
just like anyone else and we have all the faults and flaws you’ll
find in anyone else. We just live our lives with a little more
awareness of our own mortality, of the unavoidable ending and
nothingness that awaits us. Sure that sounds a bit bleak, but once
you let go of all those unprovable and therefore unlikely promises of
afterlife, then the here and now becomes a little bit more precious.
Remembering to send that card to your
friend you haven’t seen in years becomes more important. Reaching
out and letting people in your life know right now how you feel,
becomes critical. Nostalgic contemplations lead to appreciation of
one’s current situations, and gratitude for your luck thus far –
not that we believe in “luck” or “fate” but we do accept that
life is a gamble and any moment could be our last.
Our awareness, our live for today
attitude, can lead us to indulgences sure, but you’d find your
imagination of what crazy decadent things Atheists could do
without fear of god is more impressive than what the average Atheist
actually does. Since we’re not inclined to put off taking
responsibility for our actions until it’s time to confess, Atheists
tend to be pretty law abiding, responsible even. This is probably
because we’re so aware of what consequences we might have to face
in the here and now, and we think it through realizing that anything
that makes our life shorter, or less pleasant? Well that’s bad of
course, and so we avoid these things. Now that’s the highly
logical and analytical reasons, but most times we follow the laws of
the land because it’s the healthy, considerate and or compassionate
thing to do.
So, how much of that sounds crazy
different from the way you live your life? And is there anything
you’d like to improve or modify about your life? Do you wish you
could re-engage with an old college buddy, but haven’t had the
nerve to reach out? Have you always dreamed of starting a business
or taking up a creative hobby like painting? So what are you waiting
for? Do It!
Your neighborhood Atheist says go ahead
and keep on believing if you want, but don’t let your religion stop
you from living a beautiful life. Why? Because what if we’re
right and God doesn’t exist? then who’s the audience for your
life that you’re striving to impress?
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